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To the Marquette Community
and whom it may concern:



Marquette for Life is a student organization founded upon the belief that every human life has an inherent dignity that no other human being may take away. We are dedicated to creating a culture of life through knowledge, prayer, and action. Our organization actively pursues justice for the most vulnerable in our society - the elderly, the marginalized, the poor, and the unborn. Here on campus our primary mission is to create fruitful dialogue about life issues and to help those most in need.


This past week was our annual Pro-Life Week - a week each year that serves as a reminder of the constant pursuit of a greater respect for all human life from conception until natural death. The events hosted this past week included Pro-Life Cupcake Day, Candlelight Vigil for Life, The Memorial of the Unborn, Celebrate Life Day, and a Diaper Drive for the Women’s Care Center here in Milwaukee. We are privileged to attend a university that welcomes respectful dialogue amidst the students on many different subjects, regardless of differing belief systems. As Doctor Xavier Cole mentioned in his statement to the student body on Friday afternoon, “a college campus is precisely the space where such dialogue can and should occur.”


Our Memorial of the Unborn commemorates the 1.2 million children whose lives are lost because of abortion each year in the United States. It also emphasizes that those who observe the memorial should uphold a standard of respect for the mothers, fathers, and all affected by abortion.


Our Memorial of the Unborn read:

“This Memorial of the Unborn Recognizes those 1,200,000 abortions performed on average every year in America. Every Flag in this Memorial represents 1,000 lives lost to abortion. Please look upon this memorial with respect for the families and individuals affected by abortion.”


Unfortunately, the memorial was defaced three times over the course of the two days the memorial was displayed. To those individuals who did this - your actions have displayed a lack of respect for the lives of these children, and for those mothers and fathers who made this difficult choice. Respect is not demonstrated through property damage, defacement, bullying, or the silencing of others’ views.


The memorial is not to shame or demonize women who have had an abortion, nor is it the whole of the pro-life movement. The Memorial of the Unborn is one way the dignity of a vulnerable population in our society is called to mind. The dignity of each woman should also be recognized. No woman should be hated for her actions, no matter her beliefs. This includes you. This includes us.

If you would like to have a productive conversation, you are kindly invited to reach out to us respectfully via Facebook or Email Come and speak with us directly, grab coffee with one or all of our Executive Board members, and start a dialogue with mutual respect and maturity.


We look forward to hearing from you.



Marquette for Life Executive Board

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